Sunday, August 20, 2017

Preventing Burnout

I spoke this week with a Church worker who was taking strain. I have unfortunate experience with this. Under my ministr(ies), a minister in training, and a youth pastor, and an office secretary burnt out quickly and completely. I myself have suffered serious burnout. OBSERVATION: I would now give three advices, the first two for Church staff themselves: a) develop a sense of what is happening within you, giving this the highest priority, and b) cultivate the perspective that ministry is God's, not yours. The third advice: c) the Church should be sensitive to any sense of strain in their workers. I myself, from about midway through my ministr(ies), encouraged the Church to book Church workers off immediately, on paid leave, if they were taking strain. I think that this prevented some from burning out, so that there was no major burnout under the second half of my ministr(ies).

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