Thursday, December 1, 2016

Officer's Incongruence

I have charted elsewhere on this blog my attempts to obtain the information on which I was charged in 2013 (I was exonerated by the prosecution). It should have been easy -- but it wasn't. The police, on their part, made a tragic series of false statements, all on record, all designed to hold onto the information. But one officer, on one vital point, made a statement which differed from all the rest. Capt. Jefta stated that the police had never had any basis for charges. There were no such documents. OBSERVATION: In such a case, charges happen only through major blunder, malevolence, or corruption. This Monday therefore, I acted on the assumption that this officer might be right. I formally requested a copy only of the signatures which prove that there was a valid basis for charges. Previously, police issued a written statement, naming those who had laid the charges, but without the necessary to back it up.

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