Friday, March 24, 2017

A Man Called Ostrich

Someone asked me this week to repeat something that happened to me on my first day at boarding school in 1974. I didn't want to repeat it, but I can write about it. Someone asked me to take a message to "Ostrich". I searched through the building, and finally saw a tall man with a long, hairy neck. I asked him whether he was "Ostrich". He grabbed me and threw me against the wall, pummelled me until I dropped to the floor, then kicked me until I was too lame to stand up. OBSERVATION: This was accepted in boarding schools at the time. Students today sometimes tell me of the brutality of the system. Historically, it was bad (I wouldn't want to say worse, not having first hand experience of boarding schools today). I see that "Ostrich" is now a company director. As many do, he may now see things in a different light. The worst of them became a child psychologist.

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